Fly First Class—Deliver the Winning Case
Your case must score high in credibility, accuracy, and practical value.
When the competition gets serious for funding, for approval, or top-level support, you cannot win with back-of-the-envelope ROI figures or second-class off-the-shelf templates. When competition is serious, let Business Case Essentials guide you.
- Clear, practical guide for those who need quality business case results quickly.
- Complete, concise guide for building and delivering the winning case.
- Proven standard in business, government, and education, for 20 years.
- The most frequently cited case-building authority in print..
Do Your Homework—Prepare for the Contest

Real-world decision-makers know exactly what to look for in funding requests and action proposals. They expect credible, accurate forecasts, quantitative risk measures, sound reasoning, and evidence-based proof. This is what it takes to convince a critical audience that your proposal is the better business decision. Successful case builders in all lines of business take the fast track to results that score high in these qualities—Business Case Essentials.
Prepare for the contest!
Essentials builds confidence by showing decisively ...
- Why your proposal is the best business decision. Essentials shows you why this takes more than attractive forecasts.
- Tangible value for all business benefits—even nonfinancial benefits. Essentials provides the compelling rationale for legitimizing benefit values.
- Measured and reduced risk. Move beyond subjective "risk assessment" and report risks objectively and quantitatively.
- Specifically how to maximize business results and minimize risks—in practical terms.
Essentials assumes no prior background in finance or business planning. Now in its 5th Edition with nearly one million copies circulating, Essentials is the most frequently cited business case-building resource in print.
A Real Business Case for Real-World Business

The business case analysis (BCA) addresses questions like these:
What happens if we take this, or that action? What happens if we take no action?
The BCA answers in business terms: business costs, business benefits, and business risks. Decision makers and planners rely on solid BCA for building understanding and confidence
they need to take action.
The internet today is awash with books, training, and templates promising to help you answer the "What happens?" question. Most merely suggest a few cost and revenue forecasts for your proposed action or investment. However, revenue and cost forecasts alone make a weak business case.
For credibility, accuracy, and practical value in the real world, the case must deliver clear answers to other questions as well:
- Is funding your proposal a good business decision?
- Will we really see these results?
- Can we expect significant nonfinancial impacts?
- How does the proposal compare with other possible actions?
- Which risks should we know about?
BCA proof is compelling and defensible only when case builders address all the questions. Real-world managers ask all the questions, and they expect answers they can trust.
Influence Diagrams Build Credibility
Business Case Essentials introduces the Influence diagram, an easily-to-understand visual approach for building cost and benefit estimates.
- The visual diagram helps subject-matter experts understand your information needs precisely.
- The visual diagram is a fast and sure approach for modeling calculations that turn input assumptions into cost and benefit results.
- Use the diagram at your case review, when skeptics challenge your cost and benefit estimates. Address their concerns and build confidence in your results with the influence diagram.

Architecture Matters. Meet the 6D Framework
Build a world-class case easily under guidance from the Solution Matrix 6D Business Case FrameworkTM, the practical, structured approach that businesspeople everywhere rely on as the Standard.

Six steps in the 6D Business Case Framework. Case report structure mirrors case process structure, exactly.
The 6D structure helps you build and communicate the reasoning—the rationale—that makes your case. The 6D Framework serves, first, to define your case building process stage by stage. However, the case-builder creates in each stage a major business case report module with the same name and focus. As a result, the 6D structure also describes your business case report.
When report structure mirrors process structure, case readers travel the same logical path the case builder has just traversed. Cases built with the 6D Framework survive critical scrutiny, provide useful guidance, and predict what happens.
Proven Methods, Proven Benefits
Business Case Essentials is the textbook for participants in Solution Matrix Ltd Master Class Seminars. Essentials presents the same structured approach to case building that we deliver to organizations like ABB, BP, Cisco Systems, Ericsson, IBM, Microsoft, NASA, NSA, Royal Bank of Canada, the US Department of Defense, SAP, and others. Like our companion book, Business Case Guide, Essentials delivers methods and a framework with proven benefits for case builders and their organizations.

About the Author
Marty Schmidt,
Solution Matrix Ltd
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