Welcome to the Premier Website for Professional Business Analysis

Build and Deliver the Better Business Case

Your business case must score high in credibility, accuracy, and practical value. Learn how to deliver business case results with a competitive edge.

Reaching these objectives begins by understanding the nature of business case proof and trustworthy forecasting. Understand also that how you design, develop, and present the case are as important as the return on investment ROI and other figures you project. 

Welcome to the Business Case Website!

Discover below the insights you will not learn in business school. Find here practical guidance and resources that will simplify your case building tasks, and help you deliver clear, compelling business case results. Download the premier business analysis books, apps, and templates today!

The Business Case is No Longer Optional

Businesspeople everywhere rely on Business Case Analysis (BCA) to build the understanding and confidence they need to take action. That reality is no secret to business professionals seeking budgetary funding, project approval, capital spending, or top-level support. Business case support for proposals of all kinds is fast becoming mandatory.

Experience shows that incoming proposals without strong business case support are likely to fail. A weak or perfunctory case may qualify your proposal for consideration, but only that. Experience also shows that knowledgeable reviewers know what to look for in BCA results. Your proposal will score "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" depending on your ability to present professional-quality case results.

What's a Business Case?

Nevertheless, surprisingly few in business truly know exactly what case reviewers are looking for, or why some cases succeed while many fail. Very few understand that business case proof reoies on the same principles of evidence and reasoning that deoiver compeing proof in the science lab and the the court room. No surprise, then, the competitive advantage goes to the few with a strong grasp of business case basics.

Define Your Terms: Business Case

The Business Case is an analysis that delivers two kinds of information about the consequences of an action or decision:

  • Forecasts: The business case asks "What happens if we take this or that action?" Analysis results answer in business terms: business costs, business benefits, business risks.
  • Proof: Reasoning and evidence make the case for choosing one action over another. The case proves in compelling terms why the chosen action is the better business decision.

Focus on Your Stakeholders

Decision-makers and case reviewers begin with this basic principle: Business case results must meet stakeholder information needs.

In practical terms, this means they look for credible forecasts, but they also need solid proof they are choosing the best course of action. You cannot afford to settle for case results that deliver less. When the competition gets serious, you need a real business case.

Rely on Solution Matrix ebooks, apps, and templates for best-in-class business case results—built from the ground up on core BCA principles with decades of proven success in private industry, government, and non-profits on five continents

Case-Builder Beware!

The internet today is awash with books, training, and templates promising to help you show "what happens" if you take this or that action. Most simply provide a few cost and revenue forecasts for your action proposal or investment. Few come with usable help for building or evaluating business case proof. Know that forecasts alone are not a business case!

Deliver a Real Business Case

To score high in credibility, accuracy, and practical value in real-world business, your stakeholders need clear answers to other questions as well:

  • Is funding your proposal the better business decision? How does it compare to other options?
  • Can you build confidence that we'll actually see your forecast results? Did you include all the benefits? All the costs?
  • Can we count on significant nonfinancial impacts?
  • How will you measure and minimize business risk?

In business today, real-world decision-makers ask all the questions, and they expect answers they can trust.

Solution Matrix 6D ebooks, apps, and templates are ideal for everyone who needs to get up to speed on what belongs in the case, how to write a professional report, and how to deliver a compelling case to a critical audience. They are the ideal solution for those with little or no background in finance and analysis, and they are equally helpful for those with in-depth expertise and long experience in those areas.

The 6D Business Case Framework

Meet here the Solution Matrix 6D Framework™, the secret behind 25 years of client and customer success with our principle-based ebooks, templates, and apps. Businesses, governments, and nonprofits worldwide rely on the 6D Framework as the business case standard.

The 6D Framework leads you to a completed case, step-by-step, applying core principles for meeting stake holder information needs and achieving …

Look up or search for definitions, explanations, and best-practice examples for over 1,000 core business terms and methods such as ...

Self-Evident Validity

Read the full story on Principle-Based Case-Building and the 6D Framework in our feature article 'Business Case Analysis'.

Business Case Analysis

Master Analyst 6D Solutions: Download Today!

Visit the Master Analyst Shop online for the best-selling ebooks, Business Case Essentials and The Business Case Guide, professional-grade templates, and spreadsheet software to guide you through the financial math.

For the full range of business analysis solutions, visit the Master Analyst Shop and download today.

Master Analyst Shop

Join the Master Class Professional Seminars

Take command of the 6D Case-Building Framework™ in a Solution Matrix Master Class Seminar. Bring your case-building project to the three-day workshop and leave with your case 90% complete. Or, focus on our case study examples tailored to represent your own industry and work setting.

Earn professional credit while you design and build your case. Professional organizations in finance, accounting, business analysis, project management, health care, sales, and marketing credit our Solution Matrix Master Class seminars as university-level training.

  • Open seminars in London, New York City, and Washington DC.
  • In-house seminar on site, worldwide.
Master Class Seminars

Team With the Premier BCA Consultants

For those with immediate decision support and planning needs, we offer the 6D Business Case Solution. 6D Business Case Projects are conducted entirely through online interviews, phone meetings, and email, so that you can begin immediately and deliver quality results in the shortest possible time.

For those who need winning case results, now, the 6D project is the fast, cost-effective solution that works. Submit the form on our Consulting Services page to schedule a free initial interview by phone and request a 6D project proposal and price quote.


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